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Kinship, Communitas, Comunidad: Symposium

28 may 2017
Public talk
University of Toronto Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, Toronto.

Please join us for the symposium ‘Kinship, Communitas, Comunidad’. Following last year’s panel discussion Global Indigenous? and the current issue of Afterall, a series of talks further discuss how kinship and community are important to strategies of sovereignty and resistance to colonialism.

Rebecca Belmore, Biinjiya’ iing Onji (from inside), 2017, documenta 14

Twelve speakers that participated last year in a private roundtable or participated in the current issue of Afterall on the same theme return to publically speak on critical histories and political futures.


1:30 Welcome

1:40 Candice Hopkins, ‘Documenta 14 and Indigenous Artists’

2:20 Charles Esche, ‘The Demodernising Possibility’

3:00 Zoe Todd, ‘On Tenderness as an Ethical Response’

3:20 Short Break

3:35 Wanda Nanibush, ‘Performing Sovereignty’

3:55 Tanya Lukin Linklater, ‘A Glossary of Insistence’

4:25 Duane Linklater, ‘Wood Land School’

4:55 Mid Discussion

5:15 Refreshment Break

6:00 Karyn Recollet, ‘Celestial and Waterway Relationships’

6:25 Anders Kreuger, ‘Ethno-Futurism in the Finni-Ugrian World’

7:00 Short Break

7:15 Gerald McMaster, ‘Truth and Reconciliation in International Collaboration’

7:50 Barbara Fischer, ‘Kent Monkman’s Shame and Prejudice’

8:15 November Paynter & Abbas Akhavan, ‘They hit a tree with an axe’

8:45 End Discussion

Conference organised by Wanda Nanibush (Assistant Curator, Canadian & Indigenous Art at the Art Gallery of Ontario) and Charles Stankievech (Director of Visual Studies, Daniels Faculty of Architecture, University of Toronto) both contributing editors to the Afterall Journal.Additional support for this specific event from SSHRC and the University of Toronto’s John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design.

Directions: Entrance to Room UC 140 is near the North-East Corner of University College, close to the University of Toronto Art Centre (UTAC), entering from Hart House Crescent. The room has two entrances: the balcony from the building’s “ground floor” and the auditorium’s floor level from building’s “basement” entrance. Map:

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