Exhibition Histories: Five Responses

Five researchers and curators in China respond to Exhibition Histories publications, commissioned by Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing. Each text explores a different book in the series, looking at how they brings new perspectives to each contributor’s practice, and how they relate to a Chinese context. The texts are published on the occasion of the exhibition ‘Afterall Exhibition Histories and its Worlds’ co-curated by Huang Wenlong and Scarly Zhou. They include:
Anti-Shows: APTART, 1982–84 reviewed by Huiyu Cara Zhao
Afterall展览史系列·书友会:“反展览”与展览在何处发生? | 赵惠宇
From Conceptualism to Feminism: Lucy Lippard’s Numbers Shows 1969–74 reviewed by Huang Wenlong
Afterall展览史·书友会|露西·利帕德——观念主义与女权主义的交集 | 黄文珑
Artist-to-Artist: Independent Art Festivals in Chiang Mai 1992-98 reviewed by Wan Feng
Afterall展览史系列·书友会: 临时、公共和表演——《艺术家对艺术家:独立艺术节在清迈1992-98》| 万丰
Making Art Global Part 2: ‘Magiciens de la terre’ 1989 reviewed by He Yining
Afterall展览史系列·书友会:从民俗展演的跨时空位移到西方当代艺术的全球化展望——再思“大地魔术师”的遗产 | 何伊宁
Uncooperative Contemporaries: Art Exhibitions in Shanghai in 2000 reviewed by Nie Xiaoyi
Afterall展览史系列·书友会: 2000年的上海双年展的“内置全球化”和它引发的多样展览实践 | 聂小依

The exhibition is the ninth episode of Inside-Out Practice, an exhibition series initiated by Inside-Out Art Museum and focuses on the practice of art publishing. Revisit the book launch of Art and its Worlds with Inside-Out Practice here.