Explore: The Third Havana Biennial 1989 -
Part of a printmaking workshop in the streets of Old Havana, October 1989 -
Installation view of Juraci Dórea’s Projeto Terra (1981–1989) at Tres Mundos. Juraci Dórea’s Projeto terra (Project Earth, 1981–89) was the second part of the Brazilian artist’s project made for and with the people of the Brazilian northeast. -
At the fourth núcleo, creative workshops, studio visits, a conference and open debates were held in which artists, critics, students, professors and researchers took part. The image here shows a printmaking workshop in the streets of Old Havana, October 1989, organised by the Taller de Serigrafía René Portocarrero (led by Aldo Menéndez) and the Massachusetts College of Art Printmaking Department and Visiting Artists Program. Photography: Aldo Menéndez. -
Havana, Cuba: Map A of the Biennial. -
Havana, Cuba: Map B of the Biennial. -
Havana, Cuba: Map C of the Biennial. -
Havana city map showing different exhibition venues of the Third Havana Bienal.
Explore: The Third Havana Biennial 1989